Flight Academy
John Wayne Airport |
Sunrise Aviation is pleased to announce the inauguration of a new One Thousand Dollar ($1000.00) flight training scholarship program. Two scholarships will be awarded annually, the first in March and the second in September. The semi-annual awards are intended to further the education of certificated pilots wishing to advance in aviation.
Please contact Sunrise Dispatch for application forms by email or telephone at 800 717-4200.
Applicant Requirements
- Sport pilot or above.
- Current or past Sunrise student.
- A essay submitted to Sunrise management with the following content:
- The purpose for which the scholarship funds will be used.
- A schedule of planned training attendance.
- Provisions for course completion in the event the scholarship funds are insufficient to cover payment for the proposed training course(s).
- All information that will assist the Scholarship Board in making their selection.
- Submission of three personal recommendations from individuals selected from each of the categories listed below.
- A pilot with five years or more flight experience.
- A current or past employer (students may substitute a current or past teacher).
- A Certificated Flight Instructor.
Scholarship Rules
- The scholarship funds can be used only for the purchase of training and flight time in a Sunrise training course.
- The winner must enroll or be enrolled in a Sunrise training course to receive funding.
- If the enrolled flight training course is completed before the scholarship funds have been exhausted, the balance will be applied only to a subsequent Sunrise training course.
- The scholarship will be made in the form of credits applied to the student’s scholarship flight account at Sunrise.
Sunrise Aviation John Wayne Airport
19531 Campus Drive, Suite 7
Santa Ana, California 92707 USA
Voice (800) 717-4200 (949)-852-8850
Fax (949) 852-1401
© Copyright 2009, Sunrise Aviation. All rights reserved.
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